Sep 27, 2024  
2014-2015 College Catalog 
2014-2015 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

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Course Description Key


  • PHIL 2311 - Philosophy of Religion

    A comparison of the answers which the major religions of the world provide to metaphysical questions about the origin, destiny, and purpose of the earth and its inhabitants. Also examines the history, practices, and ethics of these religions. (3 hrs lec)
  • PHIL 2420 - Critical Thinking

    Introduces the student to rhetorical and scientific methods of critical thinking, definition, argument formulation, and logical analysis. Applications of logic and reasoning drawn from a wide variety of sources. (3 hrs lec)

Photographic Communication

  • PHTO 1500 - 35mm Camera

    Introduces the beginning photographer to the operation of automatic and manual 35 mm cameras, as well as providing instruction in basic photographic techniques such as lighting, selection of film, and principles of composition. (1 hr lec)
  • PHTO 1510 - 35mm Images

    This course is designed to help students apply the techniques and knowledge gained in 35mm Camera. The same hands-on approach will be used. Students bring prints, negatives, and/or slides to class for viewing and critique of settings used, selection of subject matter, composition, and lighting. A final portfolio will be required. Prerequisite: PHTO 1500 . (1 hr lec)
  • PHTO 1540 - Beginning Digital Photography

    Intended for the non-photo major, this course introduces beginning photography with an emphasis on theories, tools and practices of digital imaging and the hardware and software used with this medium. By the end of this course, students will be familiar with digital darkroom techniques, digital camera, scanners, scanning and file formats, image editing programs, printers and related materials and accessories. Students will also take virtual field trips to galleries and museums to look at collections. (3 hrs lec)
  • PHTO 1550 - Outdoor Photography Seminar

    Emphasis on field photography. Lighting, composition, and technical aspects of outdoor and nature photography studied in intensive weekend format. Critique of student work and marketing information included. May be repeated once for credit. (1 hr lec, 2 hrs lab)
  • PHTO 1600 - Survey of Photography

    Students acquire an overview of photography from its early practitioners to contemporary photographers and the history of photographic processes. Students study the history of specific photographic eras and participate in the creation of photographs using same or similar processes from that specific historical period. (3 hrs lec)
  • PHTO 1610 - Introduction to Photography

    Designed as an introductory photography course offering practice and experience in mechanical and creative functions of the medium with emphasis on technical skills and procedures. Introduces basic mechanical principles of the camera and darkroom, enforcing good habits as students learn film and print development techniques. Successful completion contributes to a strong foundation for further study in advanced photography courses. (2 hrs lec, 4 hrs lab)
  • PHTO 1630 - View Camera and Basic Lighting

    Introduces the 4 x 5 view camera and skills to control proper perspective of the image and basic lighting. Explores the use of tools with studio assignments and proper exposure and developing techniques. Stresses creativity and expressive use of photographic instruments. Investigates current and historical trends in the imaging industry and issues of ethics in photography. Prerequisite: Completion of PHTO 1610  with a “C” or better. (2 hrs lec, 4 hrs lab)
  • PHTO 2350 - Media Photography

    Reviews the history of media photography and emphasizes intensive practical photographic experience utilizing a variety of news photographer techniques. Topics include advanced camera techniques, the photo essay, page layout, newspaper and magazine photojournalism styles, and current trends in digital media photography. Prerequisite: Completion of PHTO 1610  with a “C” or better. (1 hr lec, 4 hrs lab)
  • PHTO 2385 - Photography Theme Seminar

    Within a shared or related academic program, participating students will produce personal and/or group projects involving elements of public presentation and community service outside the general curriculum of the Photographic Communications program. Prerequisite: Successful completion of at least 15 credit hours and consent of instructor. (1 hr lec, 2 hrs lab)
  • PHTO 2450 - Media Photography II

    Students acquire an in-depth, intensive, practical photographic experience and skills used by a range of publishing media such as newspapers, magazines, books, and the Web. As a primary emphasis of the class, students produce photographic stories as well as design story layouts. Students learn advanced camera techniques, including flash and use of color. Projects will provide practical and ethical approaches to spot news, sports, and current trends in digital media such as the World Wide Web and CD-ROM formats. Prerequisite: PHTO 2350 . (1 hr lec, 4 hrs lab)
  • PHTO 2510 - Studio Illustration I

    Develops knowledge and skills in producing creative images in the field of studio illustration. Places major emphasis on photographic styles and table top product work. Covers studio and color lab management as part of the interaction and insight a photographer must have to function in this environment. Discusses these topics with a priority on business practices. Prerequisite: Completion of PHTO 1630  with a “C” or better. (1 hr lec, 4 hrs lab)
  • PHTO 2520 - Studio Illustration II

    Students learn to approach, identify, and solve creative photographic problems for consumer advertising. Emphasis given to advanced techniques in lighting for food, still life, catalogs, and editorial illustrations. Prerequisite: Completion of PHTO 2510  with a “C” or better. (1 hr lec, 4 hrs lab)
  • PHTO 2610 - Commercial Portrait I

    Introduces basic portrait techniques, both in the studio and in outdoor environmental settings. Students explore basic portraiture with emphasis in utilizing classical studio lighting techniques, subject communication skills, and posing and clothing choices for consumer portraiture. Prerequisite: Completion of PHTO 1630  with a “C” or better. (1 hr lec, 4 hrs lab)
  • PHTO 2620 - Commercial Portrait II

    A continuation of Commercial Portrait I. Examines advanced posing and lighting techniques through studio and on-location portraiture. Students apply portrait techniques to special problems. Prerequisite: Completion of PHTO 2610  with a “C” or better. (1 hr lec, 4 hrs lab)
  • PHTO 2650 - Digital Imaging I

    Course explores digital photography and creative computer enhancement of photographs through the use of the Macintosh computer and Adobe Photoshop software. Covers a variety of input devices including the digital camera and reflective and transmission scanners. Stresses digital darkroom techniques along with computerized retouching and enhancement of traditionally generated photographic prints. (3 hrs lec)
  • PHTO 2660 - Web Page Design

    Students learn technical skills and procedures for Web page development and design with emphasis on advanced Photoshop and Go Live techniques. Students gain experience in developing images, sound, video, design, and graphics for a Web site on the Internet. Prerequisite: Completion of PHTO 2650  with a “C” or better. (3 hrs lec)
  • PHTO 2710 - Professional Portfolio I

    An introduction to the photographic portfolio for the photography student. A survey of portfolios introduces the student to developing a personal portfolio needed for seeking employment. Photographic problems and assignments relative to student’s experience. Photographic careers explored and discussed. Only for students seeking an AAS in Photographic Communication. Prerequisite: Completion of PHTO 1630  with a “C” or better. Concurrent enrollment in PHTO 2510  and PHTO 2610 . (2 hrs lec, 4 hrs lab)
  • PHTO 2720 - Professional Portfolio II

    A continuation of Professional Portfolio I. Student learns independent production in a selected area of photographic interest. This selected interest represents the student’s specialty in seeking employment. Only for students seeking an AAS in Photographic Communications. Prerequisites: Completion of PHTO 2710  with a “C” or better and successful completion of at least 30 credit hours. (2 hrs lec, 4 hrs lab) Capstone Course
  • PHTO 2740 - Digital Color Photography

    Students acquire knowledge and skills related to traditional color photography and digital photographic techniques. Projects will be photographed in color utilizing both color negative and positive film. The majority of assignments are photographed using traditional cameras and film, while most of the prints are made using computer and professional-level digital printers. Several assignments cover the tools and techniques used to create images for multimedia and the Web. Students learn historic processes plus color theory and technique. Creativity and an expressive use of color photography are stressed as well as proficiency in camera and digital color processes. Prerequisite: Completion of PHTO 2510  or PHTO 2610  with a “C” or better. (3 hrs lec)
  • PHTO 2750 - Digital Photo Applications

    Students learn about advanced digital techniques and approaches to creating photographic images and introduction to digital asset management. Creativity and expressive use of new photographic tools is stressed. Current trends and issues in the imaging world are also presented. Prerequisite: PHTO 2650 . (3 hrs lec)
  • PHTO 2760 - Introduction to Digital Multimedia

    Introduces the creation and application of multimedia. Course offers an overview of multimedia tools, terminology, and techniques for the development of interactive multimedia projects. Utilizes extensive hands-on experience using hardware and software to mold an idea into a well-thought-out interactive experience. Prerequisite: Completion of PHTO 2650  with a “C” or better. (3 hrs lec)
  • PHTO 2765 - Photographic and Digital Preservation

    Students learn the necessary technical skills and aesthetic sensibilities required for a professional career in digital preservation and restoration. Ethics of digital imaging restoration will be stressed throughout the entire course. Prerequisites: Successful completion of PHTO 1600 , PHTO 1610  and PHTO 2650  or consent of Instructor. (3.5 hrs lec, 1 hr lab)
  • PHTO 2960 - Photo Field Studies

    Students will have the opportunity for extensive travel, internationally or domestically, providing a view of travel photography through intensive study in the field. Creativity and expressive use of photographic tools will be stressed. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor. (1 hr lec, 2 hrs lab)

Physical Education - Activities and Dance

  • PEAC 1010 - Aquatic Aerobics

    An aerobics exercise class for swimmers and non-swimmers. Swimming ability is not necessary. Students focus on the improvement of cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility using the water’s resistance. Students engage in a variety of aerobic exercises with drills and games, walking/running, and use of floatation resistance type materials in the shallow end of the pool. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1012 - Beginning Swimming

    This is a basic class designed to help eliminate the students’ fear of the water as well as their ability to care for themselves in the water. Students will increase endurance and learn how to coordinate additional movements in a logical and meaningful manner. The skills to be taught are the crawl stroke, elementary backstroke, survival float, diving techniques, breath control, and treading water techniques. Basic rescue skills and personal safety skills are also introduced. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1015 - Beginning Scuba

    An introduction to the underwater world. Involves classroom and pool instruction. Special equipment usage fee required. (1 hr lec, 1 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1016 - Swimnastics

    This class is for swimmers. Students will engage in lap swimming, stroke improvement, drills, exercises, and water walking using resistance-type equipment and floatation devices. Primary focus will be improvement of cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility. Students should be comfortable in the deep end of the pool. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1026 - Zumba Fitness

    Zumba is a fitness program inspired by Latin dance and combines Latin rhythms with cardiovascular exercise to create an aerobic routine that is fun and easy to follow. Zumba uses the principles of fitness interval training and resistance training to maximize caloric output, fat burning, and total body toning mixing body sculpting movements with easy to follow steps. (.5 hrs lec, .5 hrs lab)
  • PEAC 1030 - Dance Aerobics

    An exercise form designed to condition the cardiovascular and skeletal systems. Combines patterned routines and stretching to lively music. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1037 - Fitness Walking

    Students will develop an understanding of equipment, technique and health issues associated with walking. Students will develop a structured routine of walking for fitness. This course is designed to accommodate persons of advanced age and others with diverse abilities. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1038 - Intermediate Aerobics

    Students are familiarized with more advanced aerobic exercises and fitness concepts to promote health-related fitness. The intermediate aerobics core activities will build onto the base moves learned in the beginning dance aerobics. Additionally, changes and modifications in choreography will be implemented to change base moves into more advanced variations. Prerequisite: PEAC 1030  or consent of Instructor. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1041 - Women’s Self-Defense

    Introduces a fitness program which combines basic low-impact aerobic moves with the fundamentals of self-defense and kickboxing. Emphasis is placed on correct technique and execution of all kickboxing basic moves. Designed to provide maximum cardiovascular benefits, muscular endurance, speed and agility, in addition to balance and flexibility and mind/body integration. (.5 hr lec, . 5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1045 - Cardio Kickboxing

    Students learn physical, verbal, and psychological self-defense techniques for dealing with varieties of self-defense situations including those which end up on the ground. This class provides opportunity for structured group discussions in addition to verbal and physical practice and simulated attack scenarios with the instructor in padded gear. (.5 hrs lec, .5 hrs lab)
  • PEAC 1046 - Beginning Pilates

    Students are introduced to the Pilates method of body conditioning. Pilates mat work emphasizes core musculature as it applies to everyday movement. The course focuses on developing core strength, posture, breath control, body alignment, and flexibility. Benefits include balance, body awareness, relaxation, injury prevention, stress reduction, and increased self-confidence. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1048 - Intermediate Cardio Kickboxing

    An intermediate cardiovascular endurance activity that combines boxing, kickboxing, aerobics, and physical conditioning exercises. This course is for students who desire to increase cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and muscular endurance in an aerobic format that uses kicking, jumping, and boxing movements integrated with a five-eight inch step. Emphasis is on safe exercise progression and technique in a format utilizing aerobic kickboxing. Prerequisite: PEAC 1045  or consent of Instructor. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1049 - Indoor Cycling

    Indoor Cycling is a full-body, low-impact, aerobic exercise that can help strengthen the heart, lower blood pressure, boost energy, burn off extra fat, tone legs and stomach, reduce stress and tension, and boost peak performance. This course emphasizes everyone’s individual needs, regardless of athletic ability and is taught in a group atmosphere through participation on specially built cycles. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1050 - Beginning Tennis

    Introduces techniques of grip, stance, footwork, service, strokes, volleys, lobs, and smashing. Emphasis on stroke combinations and return of service. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1105 - Personal Fitness Training-Group

    Two thirty-minute group fitness training sessions per week for seven weeks from a personal trainer. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1110 - Cardio Strength Training for Older Adults

    A total exercise class for older adults blending together cardio, strength, balance, mobility, and flexibility whose goal is to educate, inform, and motivate the participation of older adults in physical activities for better health. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1115 - Personal Fitness Training - Single/ Duet

    Two thirty-minute group fitness training sessions per week for seven weeks from a personal trainer. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1253 - Beginning Bowling

    Introduces elements of stance, push away and delivery, back swing and follow through, ball types, spare shooting, and spot bowling. Some emphasis on scorekeeping. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1254 - Snowboarding

    Introduces the basics of downhill running, correct posture and weighting, heel and toe turns, traversing, equipment selection, etiquette and safety. Flexible format allows for instruction for a wide range of skill and ability. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1255 - Beginning Golf

    Introduces elements of club selection, grip, stance, swing, shot types, difficult lies, golf rules, and etiquette. Emphasis is placed on the swing. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1257 - Beginning Racquetball

    Introduces stroke mechanics, shot selection, defensive and offensive strategy, equipment, rules of play, and court safety. Some emphasis on tournament play. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1258 - Beginning Skiing

    Introduces basic skills of downhill running, turning, traversing, climbing (side step and herringbone), equipment selection, and safety. Flexible format allows instruction for wide range of skill and ability. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1259 - Beginning Cross-Country Skiing

    Introduces fundamental strides, turning techniques, uphill and downhill skiing, equipment selection, and preparation and organization for light touring. Some emphasis on skating technique. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1260 - Beginning Volleyball

    Introduces elements of passing, setting, offensive and defensive net play, serving, and game strategy. Some emphasis on hitting skills. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1264 - Beginning Softball

    Introduces skills of throwing, catching, pitching, fielding, batting, base running, infield play, and offensive and defensive strategy. Some emphasis on rules of play and score keeping. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1265 - Floor Hockey

    Introduces skills of passing, shooting, goalkeeping, advancing the puck, and strategies for offensive and defensive play. Some emphasis on officiating. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1273 - Weight Training/Conditioning

    Introduces elements of grip, proper form and breathing, specific muscle group training, and circuit and strength training. Lifting technique emphasized. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1274 - Advanced Weight Training and Conditioning

    This course reviews the fundamentals and provides for continued improvement in strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility development. Students will learn safe and effective techniques for weight training at any experience level. Students are required to design and follow a personal weight training program. Prerequisite: PEAC 1273  or consent of Instructor. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1278 - Taekwondo I

    A discipline in Korean martial arts emphasizing physical, mental, and character development of the individual. Course guides beginners through stretching exercises, basic stances and techniques, and introduces the history and philosophy of Taekwondo. (. 5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1281 - Beginning Casting and Angling

    Introduces students to fly-fishing in one of the most outstanding settings for angling in the world. Combines lecture sessions with field trips to expose students to many facets of fly-fishing. Course explores this fascinating sport as an engrossing lifetime study. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1285 - Kayaking

    Introduces fundamentals of paddling, rolling, outfitting, transporting, and safety for the slalom kayak. Rescue techniques are emphasized. Prerequisite: Intermediate swimming ability. (.5 hr lec, 1 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1286 - Spelunking

    Introduces basic lighting and safety equipment, horizontal and vertical technique, and trip organization. Cave conservation emphasized. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1287 - Rock Climbing

    Introduces climbing technique, equipment, history, and ethics. Emphasis on safety and rescue techniques. (.5 hr lec, 1 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1288 - Bicycle Touring

    Students are introduced to the concepts and skills of bicycle riding, bicycle repair, equipment selection and use, riding ethics, and safe riding techniques in a variety of riding conditions. Riding up to approximately eight miles per day on road surfaces such as single-track trails, cross-country trails, or in the mountains may be required. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1291 - Cycle Sculpt

    Students use indoor cycling to gain an intense full-body, low impact, aerobic exercise that helps strengthen the heart, lower blood pressure, boost energy, burn off extra fat, tone legs and stomach, reduce stress and tension with heart pumping body sculpting strength training to boost peak performance. This course emphasizes individual needs, regardless of athletic ability, taught in a group atmosphere through participation on spin bikes and with various modalities of weight training. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1294 - Beginning Yoga

    Students learn the modern approach for applying some of the ancient techniques of yoga to enhance “wellness” and “well-being.” Students will be introduced to yoga through physical postures (asana), breathing techniques (pranayma), and meditation techniques (dhyana). (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1300 - Social Dance

    Students are introduced to international style ballroom dancing such as cha cha, rumba, jive, samba, waltz, tango, foxtrot, and salsa. There will be some emphasis on social skills, history, dance terminology, and performance. (2 hrs lab)
  • PEAC 1303 - Intermediate Bowling

    Students will review the fundamentals of bowling and be introduced to more advanced skills and lane strategy. Instruction includes analysis of faults, advanced drills, and more advanced techniques for the hook. Prerequisite: PEAC 1253  or consent of Instructor. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1560 - Beginning Orienteering

    This course is designed to acquaint the student with the map and compass techniques including triangulation, contours, declination, bearings, and land navigation. The course will also cover the use of GPS units in the backcountry, routing planning through computer software, and Geo-Caching with a GPS. (.5 hr lec, 1 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1600 - Ice Climbing

    This course is designed to acquaint the student with the basic techniques, equipment and ethics of Technical Ice Climbing. The emphasis is on route selection, safety, and staying warm and comfortable in the cold environment. (.5 hr lec, 1 hr lab)
  • PEAC 1685 - Cardio Boot Camp

    This advanced course of physical conditioning combines high energy cardio respiratory activity with military-style physical training to improve muscular endurance, develop increased levels of cardio respiratory fitness, promote flexibility, and reduce total body fat. The class format will incorporate various exercises including: dumb bell weights, calisthenics, whole body lifts, abdominal (core) movements, cycling intervals, jump rope, speed drills, and flexibility exercises. Emphasizes multiple body aerobic and anaerobic exercises to produce a cross-training effect. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 2011 - Intermediate Swimming

    This course is designed to build upon the skills and knowledge gained in Beginning Swimming. An intermediate level of water safety will be introduced; more advanced components of swimming mechanics will be demonstrated; and more in depth understanding of swimming as a component of a healthy lifestyle will be gained. The primary means of learning in the class will be through in-water practice of skills. Prerequisite: PEAC 1012  or consent of Instructor. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 2049 - Advanced Indoor Cycling

    This course is designed for students who are comfortable with indoor cycling and are looking for more of an elite challenge. The drills are longer, harder, and faster. Get ready to sweat, pedal hard, and pedal fast! Previous cycling experience is essential for this class. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 2050 - Intermediate Tennis

    Students study the intermediate techniques of tennis: topspin and slice forehands and backhands and the different kinds of serves. Focuses on singles and doubles strategies as well as the mental aspects of the game. An attempt is made to develop an appreciation and love for the game so the student will participate in the activity after college. Prerequisite: PEAC 1050  or consent of Instructor. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 2055 - Intermediate Golf

    This course is designed for the intermediate player who wants to learn more about golf. Priority is given to golf etiquette, course management skills, golfing strategies, and golfing for conditions. A variety of trouble shots and more advanced shots will be practiced. Student is responsible for green fees. Prerequisite:   or consent of instructor. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)
  • PEAC 2294 - Intermediate Yoga

    Students learn a modern approach of applying some of the ancient techniques of yoga to enhance “wellness” and “well-being.” Students will progress from basic to more advanced yoga postures (asana), breathing techniques (pranayma), and meditation techniques (dhyana). Prerequisite: PEAC 1294  or consent of Instructor. (.5 hr lec, .5 hr lab)

Physical Education - Professional

  • PEPR 1000 - Movement Core I (Spring semester only)

    Students acquire skills and knowledge necessary to teach basic tumbling, apparatus, and swimming skills to public school students. (2 hrs lec)
  • PEPR 1004 - Foundations of Physical Education (Fall semester only)

    Students develop an introductory understanding of the academic discipline of physical education with an emphasis on the teaching career. Provides prospective teachers with a general concept of the meaning and interpretation of physical education plus presents a description of what is involved in preparation for teaching in this field. (3 hrs lec)
  • PEPR 1025 - Movement Core II (Fall only)

    Students learn the skills and knowledge necessary to teach basic movement skills in physical education including fundamental locomotor, stability, and jumping skills with an emphasis on analysis of movement and utilization of the skills in sport development. (2 hrs lec)
  • PEPR 1040 - Sport First Aid

    Coaches develop knowledge and skills necessary to recognize common sport injuries and administer the appropriate sport first aid to the injured or ill athlete. Designed to meet Wyoming State Coaches certification requirements for sport first aid. Upon successful completion of the course, coaches will receive ASEP certification in Sport First Aid and American Red Cross first aid. (2 hrs lec)
  • PEPR 1105 - Rodeo Fundamentals: Roughstock

    Students demonstrate an understanding of the rules, techniques, and safety practices of Roughstock Events (bull riding, saddle bronc riding, or bareback bronc riding). Clinic emphasizes hands-on practice. (1 hr lec, 2 hrs lab)
  • PEPR 1115 - Rodeo Fundamentals: Timed Events

    Students demonstrate an understanding of the rules, techniques, and safety practices of Timed Events (calf roping, steer wrestling, team roping, breakaway roping, barrel racing, or goat tying). Clinic emphasizes hands-on practice. (1 hr lec, 2 hrs lab)
  • PEPR 2000 - Movement Core III (Spring only)

    Students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to teach basic movement skills in physical education. Focuses primarily on manipulative skills for hands and feet including throwing, catching, dribbling, volleying, trapping, kicking, and striking. (2 hrs lec)
  • PEPR 2012 - Physical Education for Elementary School

    Trains prospective elementary teachers to develop every child’s need for strength, skills, health, and knowledge. Involves training with grade school children in the community. (3 hrs lec)
  • PEPR 2025 - Movement Core IV (Fall only)

    Prospective school-based physical and health education teachers K-12 focus on the following primary content areas: what is fitness education and why do we need it; development of concepts-based fitness curriculum; teaching cognitive aspects of fitness education; teaching physical aspects of fitness education; and promoting fitness education. (2 hrs lec)
  • PEPR 2050 - Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries

    Provides the prospective coach with the basic skills necessary to provide basic care for the injured athlete. Strongly emphasizes prevention, recognition, and care of athletic injuries, including conditioning, wrapping, padding, taping, physicals, nutrition and other means. Designed to meet Wyoming State certification requirements for coaches. (2 hrs lec)
  • PEPR 2069 - History and Philosophy of Sport

    Students develop a historical, philosophical, and global perspective of sport through the study of contributions from the Greeks, Romans, and other world cultures including the United States from the colonial period to the present. Class members also analyze the major contributions of important sports philosophers. (3 hrs lec)
  • PEPR 2091 - Rules and Techniques of Athletic Officiating I

    Studies officiating techniques, rules, and the role of the official. Involves practical officiating experience. (1 hrs lec)
  • PEPR 2100 - Theory of Coaching

    Designed to meet the Wyoming State Coaches Certification Requirement. Prepares coaches in the fundamentals of coaching any sport. (2 hrs lec)
  • PEPR 2105 - Advanced Rodeo Skills: Roughstock

    Students demonstrate an understanding of equipment preparation, advanced techniques, and safety practices of Roughstock Events (bull riding, saddle bronc riding, or bareback bronc riding). Clinic emphasizes hands-on practice on pro-stock. (1 hr lec, 2 hrs lab)
  • PEPR 2110 - Coaching Principles

    Studies coaching philosophy and objectives. Includes study of sports psychology, pedagogy, physiology, and management. Assists participants to develop coaching style and teaches successful coaching techniques. (2 hrs lec)
  • PEPR 2115 - Advanced Rodeo Skills: Timed Events

    Students demonstrate an understanding of equipment preparation, advanced techniques, and safety practices of Timed Events (calf roping, steer wrestling, team roping, breakaway roping, barrel racing, or goat tying). Clinic emphasizes hands-on practice on pro-stock. (1 hr lec, 2 hrs lab)
  • PEPR 2200 - Physical Education, Health and Coaching Practicum (Spring only)

    Non-teaching students acquire practical experience in physical education, health, or coaching. Students will be placed in coaching situations, after school programs, recreational sports, geriatric living centers, movement or dance academies or health facilities, depending on their individual area of emphasis. A preceptor will guide each student through the experience. Student learning will be assessed by an in-depth student portfolio, final oral presentation, and student’s preceptor and on-campus instructor evaluations. Prerequisite: Successful completion of at least 30 credit hours. (1 hr lec, 2 hrs lab per credit hour) Capstone Course

Physical Education - Varsity Athletics

  • PEAT 1000 - Varsity Sports

    Represents active participation on an athletic varsity team, attendance at practice, and some independent study. One specific sport will be emphasized in each section of this class (i.e., basketball, volleyball, wrestling or rodeo). (1 hr lec, 1 hr lab)
  • PEAT 1005 - Varsity Sports

    See PEAT 1000  for course description. Sophomore level. (1 hr lec, 1 hr lab)


  • PHYS 1050 - Concepts of Physics

    An introduction to the concepts of physics from a logical non-mathematical viewpoint. Credit cannot be earned in this course if credit has been earned in PHYS 1110  or PHYS 1310 . Prerequisite: Placement at math level 2. (3 hrs lec, 2 hrs lab)
  • PHYS 1090 - Fundamentals of the Physical Universe

    Applies fundamental principles of Chemistry and physics to real life situations. Designed primarily for elementary education students. Prerequisite: Placement at math level 3. (3 hrs lec, 2 hrs lab)
  • PHYS 1110 - General Physics I

    Introduces fundamental laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, and wave motion. Some attention to processes of scientific discovery. For science and non-science students seeking a background in physics. Credit cannot be earned in this course if credit has been earned in PHYS 1310 . Prerequisite: Placement at math level 3. (3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab)
  • PHYS 1120 - General Physics II

    Topics include electricity, magnetism, optics, light, relativity, and nuclear physics. A continuation of PHYS 1110 . PHYS 1110 . (3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab)
  • PHYS 1310 - College Physics I

    Students concentrate on physical sciences, math, or engineering and are introduced to the laws of classical mechanics (including mechanical waves and simple harmonic motion), and thermodynamics as applied to physical problems with an emphasis on theoretical development. Incorporates examples and topics from contemporary physics where appropriate. Prerequisite: MATH 2200 . (3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab)
  • PHYS 1320 - College Physics II

    Students are introduced to the laws of classical electromagnetism, classical optics and modern physics as applied to physical problems, with an emphasis on theoretical development. Incorporates examples and topics from contemporary physics where appropriate. Prerequisite: MATH 2200 . (3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab)
  • PHYS 2149 - Nuclear Century

    Students acquire an understanding and appreciation for the development of nuclear energy and the social, psychological, political, and environmental issues associated with it. (3 hrs lec)
  • PHYS 2320 - Modern Physics

    Serves as an introduction to the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and explores many subfields that were facilitated by its formulation: nuclear, atomic, elementary particle, and condensed matter physics. In addition, the course delves into special and general theories of relativity and examines their applications in cosmology and astrophysics. Students will also consider the mathematical process of renormalization and the quest to formulate a unified model of the fundamental forces that reconciles quantum physics with general relativity. Prerequisite: PHYS 1320 . Corequisite: MATH 2310 . (3 hrs lec)

Political Science

  • POLS 1000 - American and Wyoming Government

    An introductory course for political science programs that meets statutory requirements for instruction in principles and provisions of the constitutions of the U.S. and Wyoming. (3 hrs lec)
  • POLS 1200 - Non-Western Political Cultures

    Students acquire an introductory understanding of the context of non-Western politics, the political processes and institutions of specific non-Western countries, the cultures and social systems of these countries, and select national and transnational problems facing the non-Western world. Students utilize a comparative framework based on an analysis and discussion of the theories, histories, institutions, and policies of the selected countries. Additional material includes comparative references to the political cultures and systems of other non-Western examples. (3 hrs lec)

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