Feb 15, 2025  
2018-2019 College Catalog 
2018-2019 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Divisions


Agriculture, Business and Equine


V. Dooley, Chairperson, M. Andreasen, D. Bruce, L. Guccian, B. Haskell, J. Horton, M. Humphreys, P. Thiel, A. Sherwood


T. Timmons Q. LaFollette, M. Sherwood, M. Wilson

Visit the Agriculture,  Business & Equine pages of the NWC website for more information.




F. Ebert, Chairperson, R. Becker, C. Garceau, J. Hunt, T. Hunt, J. Litterer-Trevino, A. Polvere


J. Johnson, M. Wilson

Visit the Communication Division page of the NWC website for more information.

Programs taught in the Communication Division prepare students for careers that touch each of our daily lives. Problem solving and experiential learning are emphasized in our courses, regardless of a student’s chosen career path.

Knowledge and skills involved in communication are among the most important and useful in modern society. The very nature of communication concerns social symbolic activity which is a uniquely human attribute.

The communication division programs examine the use of symbols in a variety of contexts. These contexts include mass mediated forms and social scientific notions of communication, as well as the more traditional speech/rhetoric area of communication. The mass mediated forms include photographic communications. Social scientific approaches encompass interpersonal, small group and organizational communication. The more traditional speech areas concentrate on public speaking and persuasion.

The goal of coursework within the division is to teach the skills necessary to be effective communicators and to be critical consumers of communication/information within these realms. This is done regardless of whether the student desires immediate employment or transfer to a four-year institution seeking a baccalaureate degree.




M. Konsmo, Chairperson, M. Asay, L. Burns, J. Dare, R. Dechert, R. Hanan, H. Hanson


T. Timmons

Visit the Humanities Division page of the NWC website for more information.

Humanities programs at Northwest College emphasize the development of critical thinking skills. Students pursuing a program of study within the Humanities Division at Northwest take courses not only in their field of study, but also in a wide range of areas which fulfill general graduation requirements.

While humanities programs are transfer-oriented, all courses are designed to fulfill students’ needs for human enrichment and individual accomplishment. These courses are available for students who want to expand their experiences within the humanities, whether they are pursuing a Northwest College degree or certificate, or are attending on a part-time basis.


Life and Health Science


M. Crawford, Chairperson, E. Atkinson, K. Bowen, C. Brewer, B. Crawford, J. Dickerson, Jr., D. Frey, T. King, K. McCallister, M. Osborne, T. Smith, G. Wallace, D. Williams


D. Kobbe, E. Thomas

Visit the Life and Health Science page of the NWC website for more information.

It is imperative today that all students gain understanding and appreciation of the earth on which we live and the life it supports. The programs of study in the Life and Health Science Division help students enhance their scientific reasoning and further develop critical thinking skills. Students also learn how to maintain physical well-being in a time when technology is increasing the pace of life.

The transfer fields of allied health, athletic training, biology, natural resources biology, physical education, pre-professional sciences and outdoor education and recreation leadership are taught as life and health sciences. Individuals wanting to prepare for transfer with an emphasis in any of these fields should pursue an Associate of Science degree. Those wanting to become a registered nurse complete the Associate Degree in Nursing. We also offer numerous certificates in coaching and nursing. The individual program of study will be developed in consultation with an academic advisor.


Physical Science


A. Northrup, Chairperson, D. Amarasuriya, D. Anderson, M. Cuddy, H. Elton, L. Elton, R. Floyd, T. Glatzer, W. Johnson, K. Spinney, M. Stensing, R. Townsend, U. Udodong, N. Waite, N. Walker


A. Cragoe

Visit the Physical Science Division page of the NWC website for more information.

Study in the physical sciences constitutes observation of our surroundings and an attempt to describe these observations, frequently with the language of mathematics. From these attempts, our understanding of the universe, from the smallest subatomic particles to the farthest galaxies, has developed and is developing. The scientist or engineer is often involved in both the development of this understanding and its application for the betterment of humankind. The Associate of Science transfer fields of physics, chemistry, engineering, astronomy, geology, and mathematics along with the Associate of Applied Science fields of drafting and welding are housed in the Physical Science Division. Individuals wanting to prepare for transfer with an emphasis in any of these fields should pursue an associate of science degree. Courses used to satisfy prerequisites for courses in the Physical Science Division require a grade of “C-” or better. The individual program of study will be developed in consultation with an academic advisor.


Social Science and Education


D. Erickson, Chairperson, S. Feyhl, W. Jatkowski, A. McKinney, L. McPhail, A. Newlin, D. Patterson, E. Silk, G. Smith, S. Thulin, K. Walker, S. Walker


V. Cross

Visit the Social Science and Education Division page of the NWC website for more information.

The social sciences analyze the past and present behavior of people in an attempt to discover patterns of behavior. The areas of concern for the social sciences include the physical environment; social, political and economic institutions; and the development and understanding of human experiences and ideas. Social science courses offer opportunities to enhance our understanding of human behavior and to sharpen our perceptions.

The Social Science and Education Division at Northwest College is committed to providing programs for students planning to transfer to four-year institutions. Our programs reflect a concerted effort on the part of the faculty to present rigorous and thorough coursework. Social science students will receive extensive preparation for the junior year and be provided with a solid foundation for life.

The faculty in this division and the entire college is deeply committed to providing quality education. We believe we offer a wide range of courses and programs in a stimulating and challenging environment. Students may sample or concentrate in any of the areas that are presented in this catalog. Individual programs of study will be developed by students in consultation with an academic advisor.


Visual and Performing Arts


E. DeBuhr, Chairperson, B. Baglio, J. Giarrizzo, C. Olson, R. Rumbolz, A. Toner, J. Troxel, M. Tyree


D. Kelsay, D. Gwynn

Visit the Visual and Performing Arts Division page of the NWC website for more information.

The arts enhance an individual’s intellectual, personal, and social development. Programs in the Visual and Performing Arts Division provide a rich and engaging curriculum that develops one’s ability to think, reason, and understand the world and its cultures. 

Our nationally accredited programs offer a comprehensive arts education encompassing areas such as the history of the arts, development of critical-analysis skills, and the ability to problem solve. The technical, creative, and performance skills students develop through the arts carry them toward new ideas, new experiences, and personal satisfaction while helping them achieve their career goals. 

Visual and Performing Arts students and faculty present many public programs of significant importance to audiences in the region, the community, and the college. 

Students planning to transfer to four-year institutions in art, music performance, music education, and graphic design should pursue the Associate of Art degree. The Associate of Applied Science degrees in graphic design and music technology are designed for those students seeking immediate career preparation.