Feb 17, 2025  
2019-2020 College Catalog 
2019-2020 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Expenses and Financial Aid

Tuition, Fees and Housing Costs

Visit the Business Office page of the NWC website for more information.



Student costs at all Wyoming public institutions continue to be some of the lowest in the nation. The basic cost of attending Northwest consists of tuition, fixed and other fees, books, and room and board. Additional costs students may incur are course fees, travel, child care, and miscellaneous/personal expenses.

Visit the Business Office page of the NWC website for more information.


Tuition is paid on a per-credit-hour basis up to 15 credit hours. Students enrolled in 15 to 20 credit hours pay a flat tuition rate. Students enrolled in 20.5 or more credit hours pay the flat rate plus additional tuition for each credit above 20.

NOTE: Some out-of-state students may utilize the WUE program. See WUE (Western Undergraduate Exchange Tuition Scholarship )


Fixed Fees: Fixed Fees are used to support student activities, athletics, campus security and the library.

Academic Computing Fee: The Academic Computing Fee supports instructional computer technology.

Instructional Fee: Revenue collected from this fee helps support instructional equipment and supply budgets.

Course Fees: Some courses have fees that range from $10 - $325. In general, programs of study with a substantial number of laboratory courses, such as aviation, electrical apprenticeship, equine studies, photography, nursing, welding and art have higher overall course costs. Laboratory science classes, private music lessons and some physical education courses also have course fees. Course fees are listed with each class in the Class Schedule.

Facilities Fee: Students pay a per credit hour fee earmarked for the development of college facilities.

Wellness Fee: This fee supports the Fitness Center and Mental Health Services.

Alternative Credit Charges

Transcripted Tech Prep Program credits $5/credit
Transcripted CLEP credits $5/credit
Proof of Certification $5/credit
Self-Acquired Competency $35/credit

Credit by Examination:

Transcripted Advanced Placement Exams $5/credit
Challenge Exams $25/credit

Individualized Instruction:

Cooperative Education tuition & fees/credit
Internship tuition & fees/credit
Independent Study tuition & fees/credit

Other Charges 

(If Applicable)

Application Fees: International $50
Placement Test Fee $25
Equine Stabling Charge $1,400 per horse/semester
Graduation Fee $20
Identification Card Replacement $5
International Service Fee $500
Enrollment Fee $30
Out-of-District Fee $5/credit

Costs are subject to change without notice.

Student Injury Insurance

Students enrolled in 12 or more credit hours are required to participate in a Student Injury Insurance Plan. This policy is secondary to other health policies. Plan features include:

  • up to $10,000 maximum for each covered injury,
  • no deductible,
  • intercollegiate sports injury coverage,
  • 24/7 access to nurse advice and health information,
  • global emergency medical assistance, and
  • $1,000 accidental death benefit.

Get more information online at uhcsr.com.

International students are required to purchase additional health insurance or prove they already have personal insurance.


Payment Policy

Tuition Payment Policy

Students may pay tuition and fees any time after registering for classes. The deadline for payment in full of all charges (tuition, fees, room, rent, meals) is the first day of the semester.

Bills are mailed or emailed to students on a regular basis. However it isn’t necessary to wait for a bill to pay. View a statement of your account at any time online at nwc.edu/MyNWC. You may also contact the Business Office for balances or other account questions.

Any student with an unpaid balance and not on a payment plan is subject to withdrawal from all classes after the first drop date. If withdrawn for nonpayment, the student remains responsible for the entire balance owed, with interest charged monthly at a rate of 1 percent (12 percent annual rate). Students with an outstanding balance with the college will not be able to register for a new semester until paid in full or payment arrangements are made.

Unpaid accounts are typically sent to a collection agency for withdrawn students who still have a balance 30 days after withdrawal.

Veteran students using either the VA Post 9/11 G.I. Bill (Ch.33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 31) refer to Veterans’ Benefits Section.

Students residing on campus who have been withdrawn from classes are checked out of their rooms or apartments and their meal plans are discontinued.

Students who register for classes but decide not to attend must notify the Registrar in writing or via email (registrar@nwc.edu) within the first 10 percent of the semester or before the course begins to avoid tuition and fee charges. See the refund policy below or the Semester Class Schedule for specific dates and amounts of refunds.

Methods of Payment

Northwest College accepts cash, checks, money orders; VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express credit/debit cards. Pay in the Business Office, by mail, telephone or online at nwc.edu/MyNWC. Payment plan options are available, inquire at the Business Office or get details online:

Visit the Payment Plan page of the NWC website for more information.


Refund Policy

Refunds are made by check every Friday. Please be sure the Business Office has your correct address. Electronic refunds are available upon request through the Business office.

Students who preregister for classes but decide not to attend must notify the Registrar in writing or via email (registrar@nwc.edu) during the first 10 percent of the semester or before the course begins to avoid tuition and fees charges. The effective date of withdrawal is the date notification is received by the Registrar.

Refund Schedule

Students who officially withdraw before 10 percent of the semester has elapsed receive a full refund of tuition and fees. Thereafter, students who withdraw from school or drop classes receive refunds based on the following schedule. Exact dates are in the Semester Class Schedule.

First 12 percent of Semester (or until the drop period ends)

  • 100 percent refund of tuition and fees
  • 90 percent refund of residence hall charges
  • Meal plans and apartment rent are prorated based upon checkout date

First 13-25 percent of Semester

  • 50 percent refund of tuition (fees not refundable)
  • No refunds of residence hall charges or meal plans, or apartment rent

After 25 percent of Semester

  • No refund of tuition, fees, residence hall charges, meal plans, or apartment rent

Students who receive Federal Financial Aid are subject to The Return to Federal Title IV Funds Policy. See below.  

Dropping Courses.* Students with 14.5 or fewer credit hours who decrease their credit hours by dropping a course receive a refund of tuition and course fees based upon the above schedules.

*Notify the Registrar in writing of your intention to drop a course or withdraw. The drop or withdrawal date is the date written notice is received by the Registrar.

Students who decrease their credit hours but retain 15 or more receive a refund of course fees based upon the above schedules.

Refunds for classes meeting less than a full semester have a prorated refund period.

Credit Balances

Credit balances on any Northwest College account may be used to satisfy any outstanding amount due on any other NWC account. Credit balances under $5 are absorbed.

Military Refund Policy for Tuition Assitance (TA)

Institutional refund policy will be followed for the first 2 weeks of the semester where a 100% refund of tuition and fees are made. TA funds would not be billed for those courses that are dropped during this period or if funds have been received funds will be returned to the Military Service not to the service member.

Returns of any unearned TA funds on a proportional basis through at least the 60 percent portion of the period for which the funds are provided will be returned to the Military Service upon drop or receipt of debt letter. Northwest understands that TA funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period, with unearned funds returned based upon when a student stops attending.

In those instances when a Service member stops attending due to military service obligation, the educational institution will work with the affected Service member to identify solutions that will not result in a student debt for the returned portion. Returns of any TA funds will be made directly to the Military Service, not the Service member.

16-Week Course Withdraw submitted: • before or during weeks 1-2 = 100% return • during weeks 3-4 = 75% return • during weeks 5-8 = 50% return • during weeks 9-10 = 40% return • during weeks 11-16 = no return

8-Week Course Withdraw submitted: • before or during week 1 = 100% return • during week 2 = 75% return • during weeks 3-4 = 50% return • during week 5 = 40% return • during weeks 6-8 = no return


Golden Age

Park County residents 60 years of age or older qualify to have tuition waived for up to six credit hours per semester. Fees are not waived. Participants must enroll in credit classes. Audited, noncredit and workforce development classes do not qualify. To obtain a Golden Age tuition waiver, contact the Registration and Records Office.

Golden Age cards are also available. The cards admit holders to most college social, cultural and athletic events without charge, and to the Johnson Fitness Center and selected events at reduced rates. To obtain a Golden Age card, contact the Registration and Records Office.


Financial Aid

Northwest believes students who wish to pursue educational goals should not be denied access to a college education. Through scholarships, federal aid, and other programs, NWC attempts to assist students in covering education-related expenses.  For comprehensive information regarding NWC’s financial aid options, policies and procedures, and eligibility requirements, please visit nwc.edu/fapolicy.

Visit the Financial Aid section of the NWC website for more information.



Roughly 46% of Northwest’s student body received an NWC scholarship in 2018 and the average scholarship amount was $3,253.00. Northwest’s comprehensive scholarship program features an online application process which opens in October each year for the forthcoming academic year and remains open for application as long as funds remain available. Degree-seeking students are encouraged to apply early. NWC scholarships are subject to the standards of satisfactory academic progress as outlined in the FA Disclosures & Student Consumer Information section at nwc.edu/fapolicy.

Specific NWC Scholarships

  • Trapper Scholarship Program
  • Academic Scholarships
  • Activity-Talent Scholarships
  • Athletic Scholarships

Hathaway Scholarships

Wyoming’s Hathaway scholarship program provides merit and need-based scholarships for Wyoming students attending Northwest or other WY public college or university.

WUE Tuition Scholarship

The WUE (Western Undergraduate Exchange) program provides discounted tuition rates for students who are residents of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, and Washington. Currently, tuition rates will also be calculated at 150 percent of Wyoming tuition for Nebraska residents.

See Western Undergraduate Exchange Tuition Scholarship   for details about the Western Undergraduate Exchange Program.

Get more information about NWC, WUE, and Hathaway scholarships and eligibility requirements at the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office or nwc.edu/scholarships.

Visit the Scholarships section of the NWC website for more information.


Federal Aid

Federal aid programs at NWC include three categories:

  • grants - need-based aid students don’t have to repay, such as Federal Pell and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity (FSEOG)
  • loans - students and/or parents can borrow funds through the Direct Loan Program such as the Stafford or Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)
  • employment - on-campus work through the Federal Work Study program (pays at least the federal minimum wage) for degree-seeking students enrolled in six or more credits. Additional information can be found at nwc.edu/studentjobs and employment listings can be found on the student’s “MY NWC” portal (under the Web Advisor tab).

Application Procedure

Recipients of Federal Aid must be NWC degree-seeking students who complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and meet additional requirements. While there is no absolute deadline, students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible after October in preparation for the following fall semester to ensure funds are available when classes start. NWC’s priority application deadline is March 1. Complete the FAFSA online at fafsa.gov. NWC’s Federal School Code is 003931.

Find more information about federal aid resources, eligibility requirements, and application procedures at the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office or online.

Visit the Financial Aid section of the NWC website for more information.

For more information about financial aid policies and student consumer information, visit the Financial Aid Policies section of the NWC website.

Standards of Progress for All Federal Financial Aid Recipients

In compliance with Federal regulations, NWC has a Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy that must be met by students who receive funding from any of the federal financial aid programs. The policy is available at the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office or online at the Financial Aid Policies webpage.

Visit the Financial Aid Policies section of the NWC website for more information.

Return of Funds Policy

The Return to Federal Title IV Funds Policy overrides the Northwest College Refund Policy in cases where students have been awarded federal funds. If a student applies for and receives a federal aid award but:

  • does not register for class,
  • registers and does not attend, or
  • withdraws, drops out, or otherwise cancels his/her registration on or before the first day of classes, then all federal aid offered to the student for that semester will be cancelled.

Students who withdraw, drop out, are expelled or administratively withdrawn on or after the first day of classes, or otherwise do not complete the enrollment period, are subject to The Return to Federal Title IV Funds Policy. They may be required to repay a portion or all of the funding they received.

The Return to Federal Title IV Funds Policy includes more details about unearned funds, calculation of refunds, and other requirements for federal aid programs. The policy is available at the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office or online at the Financial Aids Policies webpage.

Visit the Financial Aid Policies section of the NWC website for more information.


Other Financial Aid


The Student Employment Program at Northwest College is substantial. Degree-seeking students enrolled in six or more credit hours are eligible to apply for on-campus jobs which pay at least the federal minimum wage. Get more information online:

Visit the Student Jobs page of the NWC website for more information.

The Advising Center helps students find temporary, part-time and full-time employment while attending college. Get more information online.

Visit the Advising Center section of the NWC website for more information.

The Powell Workforce Center of the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services is located on campus and offers:

  • job listings; get more information online at wyomingatwork.com,
  • resume writing, interviewing, and other job search skills training,
  • access to the WIA Adult Training Programs which may cover college expenses for new students completing an Associate of Applied Science degree or certificate in two years,
  • help with unemployment benefit services, and
  • labor market information.

Veterans’ Benefits

Veterans are encouraged to apply for G.I. Bill education benefits 60 days prior to enrollment to ensure funds are available when classes start (apply online at vets.gov).

Continuing veterans must contact the Financial Aid Veteran Affairs Representative upon registration to ensure timely certification. Students who receive VA benefits must comply with the NWC Veterans Standards policy for continued eligibility.  For a copy of the policy, visit nwc.edu/faforms.

The state of Wyoming also provides a variety of education benefits for veterans and members of the National Guard. Get more information at the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, or online.

In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), this school adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. 

This school will not:

  • Prevent the students enrollment;
  • Assess a late penalty fee to;
  • Require student secure alternative or additional funding;
  • Deny their access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.

To qualify for these provisions, such students may be required to:

  • Produce the Certificate of Eligibility by the first day of class;
  • Provide written request to be certified;
  • Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies 

For each semester of enrollment, these Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 31) student provisions shall terminate on the earlier of the following dates:

  1. The date on which the Secretary of Veterans Affairs provides payment for such course of education to such institution.
  2. The date that is 90 days after the date on which the educational institution certifies for tuition and fees following receipt from the student such certificate of eligibility.

Visit the Military Benefits page of the NWC website for more information.

State of Wyoming Assistance

The state of Wyoming provides a variety of education benefits to the following:

  • U.S. military veterans and their spouses and dependents,
  • National Guard members, (apply for tuition assistance: wyngedassist.wyo.gov)
  • surviving spouses/dependents of EMTs, peace officers and firefighters, and
  • nursing students.