Feb 17, 2025  
2019-2020 College Catalog 
2019-2020 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Support Services

Career Planning

Northwest offers a variety of resources to help students with career planning, and the best place to start is the Advising Center. The Advising Center provides innovative support and resources to help students plan their academic and professional careers. Career assessments are available to students to assist in exploring their career options. It also makes referrals to other on- and off-campus resources.

Visit the Career Planning section of the NWC website for more information.

Academic Advising

Degree-seeking students are assigned an academic advisor who is usually a professor within the student’s program of study. Any student may request an advisor by contacting the Advising Center. General Studies Students are advised in the Advising Center.

The Mission

The mission of academic advising at Northwest College is to make appropriate interpersonal connections so that students are provided with advice, information, and referrals to services that will help them determine and reach their educational and career goals in the most effective way.

The Academic Advisor provides information and advice about:

  • general education and program specific requirements,
  • institutional services and policies of which students should be aware,
  • transfer issues, and
  • career choices.

Northwest College encourages students to be academically informed and self-sufficient. The final responsibility for academic success lies with the student.

Visit the Academic Advising page of the NWC website for more information.


Student Success Programs

The Student Success Center provides students a wide variety of support services and referrals to other campus resources so they can persist in meeting their educational and career goals.

Get more information about the following services online

  • support and counseling for adult (nontraditional) students age 23 or older,
  • career development counseling and testing,
  • short term personal counseling by appointment,
  • disabilities support services for students who qualify under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and The Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • free peer tutoring in most academic areas,
  • health services delivered by a physician’s assistant to students enrolled in six or more credits,
  • international student services,
  • minority student services,
  • Project Succeed which helps eligible students to position themselves for success and to pursue excellence in college through graduation or transfer. This Student Support Services TRiO program is grant-funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Get more information about eligibility requirements and program services online.

Visit the Student Success Center section of the NWC website for more information.
Visit the Project Succeed section of the NWC website for more information.

Hinckley Library

The staff of the John Taggart Hinckley Library provides information, resources, and services designed to support curricular and personal information needs of students and other members of the college community including families and children. Resources include:

  • three-quarters of a million paper and online books,
  • over 66,000 paper and online periodicals,
  • over 260,000 media and e-media (video, audio, digital),
  • access on and off campus to more than 380 online databases and tens of thousands of electronic periodicals,
  • access to holdings of 90 Wyoming libraries with interlibrary loan service throughout the United States, and
  • guest presentations, monthly student/campus readings, performances, and exhibits

Library staff teach students how to locate and use information for their classes. Professional librarians provide drop-in and by appointment research consultations. When classes are in session, library services are available seven days a week. Hours range from 7:45am to 11:00pm with Late Night Study area open until 2:00am

Visit the Hinckley Library section of the NWC website for more information.

Computing Services

Computers for student use are accessible throughout the main campus and at college facilities off campus. Registered students automatically get a MyNWC account through which they access campus and other resources such as WebAdvisor, Moodle, email, and the Internet. Wireless service is widely available on campus and in residence hall lounges.

Visit the Computing Services section of the NWC website for more information.

Job Placement Services

Current students seeking employment opportunities should see Employment .

Students and alumni may use the following NWC support services:

  • many faculty advisors assist in placing students in positions across the country. Students should make connections with their advisors prior to leaving campus. After graduation, contact advisors through the online campus directory
  • see Powell Workforce Center  to learn about the Powell Workforce Center and Wyoming Workforce Services for help identifying jobs available in Wyoming and across the country
  • The Advising Center can help students with resumes, cover letters, job search and interview skills

Visit the Career Planning section of the NWC website for more information.

Powell Workforce Center

This center is on campus and part of the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services. See Powell Workforce Center  for more information.

College Bookstore

Northwest’s full-service bookstore provides books and class materials required for NWC courses. Complete lists of textbook and special project requirements are maintained. A wide assortment of sundries, special interest items, and books by local authors are also available.

Visit the Bookstore page of the NWC website for more information.


Students may obtain copies of their official transcripts by completing a Transcript Request Form online. The college reserves the right to withhold transcripts from students who have not met financial or other institutional obligations. Appeals to this policy are made to the Grievance Officer.

Visit the Transcript Request page of the NWC website for more information.

Degree Audits

A degree audit document shows students what courses they have completed and what courses they may still need to take to complete their degree. It can also show all the requirements needed to complete a second or different degree. Get more information about obtaining an unofficial degree audit or requesting an official degree audit online:

Visit the Official Degree Audit page of the NWC website for more information.
Visit the Unofficial Degree Audit page of the NWC website for more information.