Jan 12, 2025  
2010–2012 College Catalog 
2010–2012 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Boards, Administrators, Faculty, Staff

Board of Trustees

Formulation of major policies and ultimate budget authority at Northwest College rests with a seven-member Board of Trustees. Trustees represent the college’s tax district of Park County and are elected to four-year terms in compliance with Wyoming’s Enrolled Act 80 (HB 58-A).

Regular meetings are held the second Monday of each month, with special meetings called as necessary. A citizens’ open forum is on regular meeting agendas.

Visit the Board of Trustees page of the NWC website for more information.

Vogt, Jim
Term expires 2010

Westerhold, Mark
Vice President/Secretary
Term expires 2012

Danko, Carolyn
Term expires 2010

Coe, Martha (Marty )
Term expires 2012

Hedderman, Gloria
Term expires 2012

Housel, John
Term expires 2010

Sessions, Jim
Term expires 2012



Prestwich, Paul
President, 2008
University of Northern Colorado, BA 1990
University of Colorado at Boulder, MS 1992
University of Pennsylvania, PhD 2004

Vice Presidents

Kitchen, Mark
Vice President for College Relations, 1977
University of Wyoming, BA 1975

Mills, Kim
Vice President for Administrative Services, 2002
Montana State University, BS 1973

Young, Dana
Vice President for Student Affairs, 2003
Eastern Oregon University, BS 1988
Portland State University, MBA 1996

Administrative Staff

Dearcorn, Casey
Computing Services Director, 2000

Flom, Sheldon
Finance Director, 2006
Northwest College, AA 1981
University of Wyoming, BS 1983; BS 1996
Certified Public Accountant

Hammond, Brad
Registrar and Admissions Director, 2000; 2005
Northeastern State University, BBA 2000

Havig, Dee
Residence and Campus Life Director, 1987-91; 1992
Northwest College, AA 1989, AS 1990
University of Wyoming, BA 1992, MA 1999

Kobbe, Heather
Human Resources Director, 2003
University of Wisconsin-Madison, BA 1996
Senior Professional in Human Resources Certificate, 2009

Peer, Ronda
Dean of Extended Campus and Workforce, 1985-88; 1992; 1993
Northwest College, AA 1982
Mesa State College, BA 1990
University of Wyoming, MA 1998

Piantanida, Tara
Financial Aid and Scholarships Director, 2009
Winthrop University BA, 1988

Richards, Susan
Library Director, 2005
Grove City College, BA 1978
Clarion University of Pennsylvania, MA 1980
Kent State University, MLS 1982
University of New Hampshire, PhD 2002

Wetzel, Shelby
Executive Director of the NWC Foundation, 1992
University of Wyoming, BA 1985; MBA 2002


Visit the Faculty Directory for contact information.

Amarasuriya, Deepthi
Instructor of Physics, 2006
Purdue University, BS 1990
Idaho State University, MS 1996
University of Wyoming, MS 2006

Anderson, Don
Instructor of Math, 2007
Northwest College, AA 1992
Chadron State College, BS 1995; MS 1997

Andreasen, Mark
Assistant Professor of Business, 2004
Utah State University, BA 1994; BS 1995
Brigham Young University-Marriott School, MBA 2001

Anthony-Mathews, Jamie
Worland LPN Program Coordinator, 2009
Northwest College, ADN 2003

Bakken, Gary
Assistant Professor of Photography, 1991
Moorehead State University, AA 1975
Montana State University, BS 1978
University of Minnesota, MA 1987
University of Wisconsin, MFA 1989

Becker, Bob
Assistant Professor of Speech
Communication, 1994
North Dakota State University, Fargo, BS 1992
Colorado State University, MA 1995

Bloom-Wilson, Harriet
Assistant Professor of French and Director, International Academic Programs, 1981
State University of New York at Cortland, BA 1968
University of New Mexico, MA 1975
Universite de Neuchatel, Switzerland
Fulbright Lecturer, Universite de Dijon, France

Bossow, Terri
Instructor of Nursing, 2005
Western Iowa Tech, LPN 1989, AS 1990
Briar Cliff University, BSN 2003

Bradley, Burt
Associate Professor of English, 1986
California State University, Chico, BA 1980
State University of New York, Stony Brook, PhD 1986

Brophy, Dennis
Professor of Psychology, 1975
Washington University, St. Louis, AB 1967, AM 1968
Pacific School of Religion, MDiv 1971
Texas A&M University, PhD 1995

Bruce, Dean
Assistant Professor of Business/Accounting, 2000
Kansas Wesleyan University, BA 1992
Emporia State University, MBA 1995

Campbell, John
Professor of Biological Sciences, 1985
Albion College, BA 1971
San Francisco State University, MA 1977
University of Alberta, PhD 1983

Childs, Allan
Professor of Chemistry and Mathematics, 1985
Iowa State University, BS 1970
Kansas State University, MS 1973, PhD 1980

Crawford, Billy
Instructor of Nursing, 2007
Southwestern Oklahoma State University, BS 1994

Crawford, Marneé
Instructor of Nursing, 2006
Southwestern Oklahoma State University, BSN 1991
University of Wyoming, MS 2008

Davis, Dennis
Assistant Professor of Journalism/Mass Communication, 1998
University of Wyoming, BS 1974; BS 1978
Capella University, MS 2002

DeBuhr, Elaine
Instructor of Art, 2005
University of Iowa, MFA 1998

Dechert, Renee
Associate Professor of English, 1997
Baylor University, BA 1986, MA 1989
Texas A&M, PhD 1997

Dooley, Vern
Associate Professor of Agriculture, 1983
South Dakota State University, BS 1978; MS 1980
Michigan State University, PhD 1983

Ebert, Fred
Instructor in Speech Communications and Forensics, 2008
University of Wyoming, BS 1983
Washington State University, MA 1985

Elton, Harold
Assistant Professor of Welding, 1999
Northern Montana College, AS 1967, BS 1969

Erickson, Dave
Associate Professor of Sociology; Chairperson of Social Science and Education Division, 1994
University of North Dakota, BS 1990; MA 1993

Finn, Rachel
Visiting Instructor of Nursing, 2005
Dickinson State University, BSN 1999

Fish, Duane
Professor of Speech Communication; Chairperson of Communication Division, 1976
Eastern Montana College, BS 1975
Wichita State University, MA 1976
University of Utah, PhD 1994

Frost, Shelby
Visiting Instructor of Nursing, 2009
Northwest College ADN, 2005
University of Phoenix BSN, 2009

Giarrizzo, John
Associate Professor of Art, 1981
Kenyon College, BA 1977
University of Colorado, MFA 1981

Hansen, Neil
Professor of Music; Director of Bands; Music Accreditation Coordinator;
Chairperson of Visual and Performing Arts Division, 1982
University of Northern Iowa, BA 1973
University of Wyoming, MA 1982

Harbron, Steve
Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, 1982
Western Michigan University, BS 1971; MA 1973; SpA 1977; MA 1977; PhD 1981

Hitchcock, Ron
Professor of Biological Sciences, 1988
State University of New York at Potsdam, BS 1979
Auburn University, MS 1982; PhD 1986

Hoagland, Bill
Associate Professor of English, 1990
Northern Illinois University, BA 1974
University of Massachusetts, MFA 1979

Humphreys, Micah
Assistant Professor of Agroecology and Range Management, 2007
Oklahoma State University, BS 2000; MS 2003
Purdue University, PhD 2007

Hunt, Jeannie
Instructor of Speech Communications, 2005
Northwest College, AA 1994
Black Hills State University, BA 1998
University of Phoenix, MA 2004

Ibarra-Robinson, Mary Ellen
Associate Professor of Spanish, 1983
University of Wyoming, BA 1976; MA 1978

Johnson, Bill
Associate Professor of Welding, 1996
Montana State University, BS 1995

Johnston, Jeremy
Assistant Professor of History, 1995
University of Wyoming, BA 1993; MA 1995

Kliewer, Jan
Assistant Professor of Music, 1990
Cleveland State University, BM 1986
University of Missouri-Kansas City, MM 1989

Koelling, Deborah Spangler
Associate Professor of English, 1980
Macalester College, BA 1974
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, MA 1975; PhD 1984

Koelling, Rob
Professor of English; Chairperson of Humanities Division, 1979
Barton College, BA 1970
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, MA 1972; PhD 1982

Konsmo, Michael
Instructor of English, 2009
University of Southern California BA, 2000; MFA, 2009
Montana State University MA 2004; MA 2006

Kraft, Janice
Associate Professor of Accounting/Business Administration, 1998
University of Wyoming, BS 1974; MBA 1976

Krenz, Bob
Associate Professor of Mathematics; Chairperson of Physical Science Division, 1988
Utah State University, BA 1980
Colorado State University, MS 1988

McCallister, Keith
Assistant Professor of Health, Outdoor, and Physical Education; Director of the DELTA Program, 2003
University of Delaware-Newark, BS 1999
University of Northern Colorado, MA 2001

McPhail, Lou
Instructor of Criminal Justice, 2005
University of Mississippi, BS 1986
Webster University, MBA 1994
University of North Dakota, JD 1997

Nielson, Cody
Director of Nursing, 2004
Northwest College, AS 1984
University of Utah, BS 1987, MS 1999

Norris, Sue
Instructor of Mathematics, 2009
Washington State University, BA, BS 1979
University of Idaho, MS 2004

Northrup, Astrid
Associate Professor of Engineering and Mathematics, 1997
Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology, BS 1984; MS 1986
University of Wyoming, Certificate in Land Surveying, 2005
Registered Professional Engineer, Colorado and Wyoming

Pajo, Lourdes
Instructor of Developmental Mathematics; Developmental Mathematics Program Specialist, 2008
University of Texas at Dallas, BS 1991
Texas State University, MEd 2003

Polvere, Anthony
Assistant Professor of Photography, 2000
Pace University, BBA 1985; BA 1985
Northern Arizona University, BS 1995; MEd 1996

Rumbolz, Rob
Assistant Professor of Music, 2001
Macalester College, BA 1982
University of Minnesota, MA 1989
Wesleyan University, PhD 2000

Satterlee, Craig
Associate Professor of Photography; Coordinator of Photography, 1978
Montana State University, BS 1976
University of Iowa, MA 1982

Satterlee, Lisa
Assistant Professor of Business Office Technology, 1983
University of Iowa, BS 1983
University of Wyoming, MBA 1998

Sherwood, Anne
Visiting Instructor of Equine Studies, 1998

Smith, Greg
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, 2008
Central Washington University, BS, BA 1993
University of Pittsburgh, PhD 2000

Stensing, Martin
Instructor of Mathematics, 2007
St. Mary’s University, BA 1999
University of Wyoming, MS 2008

Stothart, Rob
Assistant Professor of English; English as a Second Language, 2001
Western Washington University, BA 1978
University of Washington-Seattle, MFA 1987

Sturmer, Gary
Professor of Political Science and Economics, 1979
College of Idaho, BA 1973
Idaho State University, DA 1979

Tafoya, Renee
Assistant Professor of Art and Graphic Design; Coordinator of Art, 1999; 2002
San Jose State University, BS 1984
University of Wyoming, MS 2006

Thiel, Pam
Instructor of Equine Studies, 2003
Northwest College, AS 2001
Texas A & M University, BS 2003

Thulin, Steve
Professor of History, 1990
Old Dominion University, BA 1975; MA 1977

Toner, Anne
Instructor of Art, 2005
University of Wyoming, BA 2000; BFA 2001
Painting University of Idaho, MFA 2005

Townsend, Robert
Instructor of Drafting Technology, 2007
Burlington County College, AAS 1987
Roger Williams University, BS 2001
Indiana State University, MS 2006

Tyree, Morgan
Assistant Professor of Graphic Arts/Printing, 1991
Arizona State University, BS 1981
Northern Arizona University, MA 1988

Waite, Neil
Assistant Professor of Mathematics; Mathematics Coordinator, 1994
Brigham Young University, BS 1992; MS 1994

Walker, Kristine
Instructor of Education, 2009
Community College of the Airforce, Maxwell Airforce Base, AAS 1999
West Virginia University BA, MA 2005

Walker, Nancy
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1984
Eastern Montana College, BS 1976
University of Wyoming, MA 1989

Walker, Steven
Assistant Professor of Political Science, 2006
Pierce College, AA 1995
Community College of the Air Force, Maxwell Airforce Base, AA 1995
University of Maryland, BA 1998
Portland State University, MA 2001
West Virginia University, MA 2004

Wallace, Garry
Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, 1987
University of Montana, BA 1980; MA 1982
Bennington College, MFA 2001

Watne, Bruce
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Astronomy, 1981
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, BS 1967
Montana State University, PhD 1978

White, Carolyn
Associate Professor of Business Office Technology, 1981
Chadron State College, BS 1971
Eastern Montana College, MEd 1986

Williams, Deb
Instructor of Nursing, 2008
Northwest College, AAS 1990
University of Washington, BS 1974

Wolfe, Wally
Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1987
University of Wyoming, BA 1975
University of Alabama, MA 1976; PhD 1987

Wooden, Woody
Assistant Professor of Photography, 2001
PIMA Community College, AAS 1979
Brooks Institute of Photography, BA 1991; MS 1992

Wurzel, Mary Ann
Associate Professor of Education; Director of Field Placement, 1989
Chadron State College, BS 1969
University of Wyoming, MS 1973

Young, Floyd
Associate Professor of Physical Education;
Chairperson Life and Health Science and Agriculture Division, 1984
University of Wyoming, BA 1964; MS 1970

Northwest College Emeriti

Bieke, Kathleen
Professor Emerita of English
University of Detroit, BA 1972, MA 1976
Wayne State University, PhD 1985

Beyer, K. Keith
Professor Emeritus of English
University of Northern Iowa, BA 1958, MA 1968

Christensen, Stanley
Professor Emeritus of Agriculture
University of Wyoming, BS 1961, MEd 1964, EdD 1976

Coughenour, Arthur *
Professor Emeritus of Business
Grove City College, BS 1958
Montana State University, MS 1971

Dewitt, John *
Emeritus Administrator
South Dakota State University, BS 1950, MEd 1958

Enger, John
Professor Emeritus of Physics and Mathematics
Concordia College, BA 1959
Temple University, MSEd 1963

Feyhl, Scott
Professor Emeritus of Health, Outdoor and Physical Education
University of Wyoming, BS 1972, MS 1978

Fisher, Donald
Professor Emeritus of Engineering
University of Wyoming, BS 1959, MS 1968
Registered Professional Engineer, Wyoming

Fries, Arthur *
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
McPherson College, BS 1948
University of Northern Colorado, MA 1952

Hinckley, John T. *
Professor Emeritus of Political Science
University of Wyoming, BA 1940, MA 1948

Jordan, Roy *
Professor Emeritus of History
University of Wyoming, BA 1962
Northern Arizona University, MA 1968

Kruse, Robert
Professor Emeritus of Business
Miami University, BS 1972
Montana State University, MS 1974, EdD 1979, CMA 1988

Mickelson, A. Leonard *
Professor Emeritus of Botany
Northern Arizona University, BS 1948
University of Wyoming, MS 1949

Muller, Allan
Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Brigham Young University, BS 1960
University of Connecticut, MA 1962

Nelson, Douglas *
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Greek, Hebrew, and History
Abilene Christian College, BA 1965; MDiv 1968
University of California–Los Angeles, MA 1974; PhD 1981

Ohman, Marlys
Professor Emerita of Nursing
University of Wyoming, BS 1985
Whitworth College, MSN 1990

Orendorff, Sinclair
Emeritus Administrator
Southwestern College, AB 1948
George Peabody College Vanderbilt, MA 1948
University of Wyoming, EdD 1967

Riley, James *
Professor Emeritus of Communication
Washburn University, BA 1965
Texas Christian University, MFA 1970

Rochlitz, Kenneth
Professor Emeritus of Physical Education / Men’s Basketball Coach
University of Wyoming, BS 1964; MEd 1970

Skinner, David
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
University of Wyoming, BS 1963, MS 1965

Smith, E. Jeannette
Professor Emerita of Spanish
University of Colorado, BA 1945
Middlebury College, MA 1966

Smith, Steven B. *
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and Physics
University of Wyoming, BS 1978, MS 1982

Wasden, Winifred *
Professor Emerita of English
University of Wyoming, BA 1960, MA 1961

White, Wallace
Professor Emeritus of Drafting
Chadron State College, BS 1968
Northern Montana College, MS 1973

Wilson, Richard
Professor Emeritus of English
Fairfield University, BA 1969; MA 1974
University of New Mexico, PhD 1979

* deceased

Professional Staff

Visit the Staff Directory for contact information.

Anderson, Gary
Facilities Technician, 2000

Baumann, Mary
Multicultural Program Coordinator, 1997
Montana State University, BS 1979

Beal, Janis
Women’s Basketball Coach, 2009
Northwest College, AS 2003
Southern Utah University, BS 2005
A.T. Still University, MS 2008

Bell, John
Supervisor of Custodial/Grounds, 1993
University of Wyoming, BS 1979

Berge, Brittney
Admissions Representative, 2007
University of Wyoming, BA 2007

Bjornestad, Tim
Trapper Village West Supervisor, 1988
Northwest College, Certificate 1988

Childs, Cynthia Newberry
Project Succeed Manager, 2001
Kansas State University, BS 1974
Capella University, MS 2006

Christensen, Becky
Field Station Coordinator, 2008

Cicci, Cindy
Executive Secretary to the President and Board of Trustees, 1996
Moorhead State University, BS 1985

Clark, Sarah
Admissions Representative, 2008
Northwest College, AAS 2004
Montana State University-Billings, BAS 2007

Crookshanks, Kathy
Training and Development Program Coordinator, Cody, 2008
University of Phoenix, BS 2007

Dicks, Damian
Computing Services Coordinator, 2009
Northwest College, AS 1996

Dicks, Dustin
Instructional Technology Specialist, 2008
Northwest College, AAS 2005

Dooley, Kay
Training and Development Program Manager, 1998
Miles Community College, AA 1992
Montana State University-Northern, BS 1995

Emmett, Joseph
Facilities Technician, 2007

Fees, Nancy
Math Tutoring Specialist, 2004
Mills College, BS 1971
Idaho State University, MA 1975

Flom, Liz
Athletic Trainer, 2009
Mt Hood Community College, AA 2005
Eastern Oregon University, BS 2007
Montana State University-Billings, MS 2009

Floyd, Bruce Alan
Computer Services Specialist, 2006
Northwest College, AAS 2007; AAS 2009

Fulbright, Karen
Registration and Records Specialist, 1998
Northwest College AA 2009

Garhart, Cynthia
Student Success Programs Manager and Counselor, 2005
Southern Illinois University, BA 1971
University of Dayton, MS 1998

Gasaway, Tracy
Payroll Specialist, 1998
Northwest College, AS 2004

Gillett, Dana
GEAR UP Specialist, 2006

Gilman, Stacy
Training and Development Program Specialist, 2003
University of Wyoming, BS 1993

Ginther, John
Residence Life Specialist, 2008
Colorado State University, BS 2004

Haberland, Elaine
Academic Success Coordinator, 2008
State University of New York, BS 1980
Russell Sage Graduate School, MS 1997

Halbur, Roena
Counselor, 2005
Dallas Baptist University, BS 1972
Troy State University, MS 1975

Harsh, Lisa
Career and Transfer Coordinator, 2002
Central University of Iowa, BA 1989
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, MS 1991

Heimer, Jo Ann
Business Office Manager, 1975
Northwest College, AS 2002

Herman, Roxie
Student Health Service Manager, 1998
Bryan Memorial School of Nursing, RN 1984
University of North Dakota, PA Certificate 1994

Hernandez, West
Admissions Manager, 2003-2005, 2007
University of Montana-Western, BA 2003

Hill, Robert
GEAR UP Coordinator, 2006
Manchester Metropolitan University, BS 1999

Horton, Scott
Instructional Technology Coordinator, 1976-1997; 2000
Montana State University, BS 1974

Johnson, Jane
Digital Studio Specialist, 2008
Northwest College, AAS 2007

Karst, Deborah
Hathaway Scholarship Technician, 2006
Northwest College, AS 2000

Kasinger, Clint
Computing Services Coordinator, 1999

Kelly, Debra
Librarian, 1983-88; 1996
Northwest College, Certificate 1974
Montana State University-Billings, BS 1977

Kelsay, Denise
Art and Galleries Specialist, 1995
Northwest College, AAS 1988

LaFollette, Quin
Ag Pavilion and Judging Coordinator, 2008

Laughlin, George
Printing Services Technician, 1990

Mains, Autourina
Child Care Center Manager, 2006
Northwest College, AAS 1986; AA 2000
University of Wyoming, BS 2003; MA 2006

Marman, Kim
Bookstore Manager, 1995-99; 2000
Northwest College, AS 1992
Montana State University-Billings, BS 1995

Martin, Diane
Library Reference and Cataloging Coordinator, 1988
Millersville University, BS 1969
University of Arizona, MA 1997

Mettes, Rik
Farrier Science Coordinator, 1991
Eastern Montana College, AA 1992
Certified Journeyman Farrier, 1992

Miller, Carey
Webmaster, 2005
University of Wyoming, BS 2000

Miller, Nancy
Library Circulation and Acquisitions Coordinator, 1997
Oregon State University, BS 1981

Mills, Deb
Disability Support Services Coordinator, 2001-2005, 2009
Austin Peay State University BS, 1976
University of Wyoming MA, 1996, 2003

Nose, Del
Rodeo Coach, 1999

Olson, Olie
Facilities Technician, 1990

Proffitt, Nickie
News Service Analyst, 1988
Northwest College, AS 1976

Quillen, Dennis
Maintenance Supervisor, 2005

Rodriguez, Sam
Computing Services Supervisor, 2006
Northwest College AAS 2008

Schoessler, Tim
Music Program Coordinator, 2005
University of Wyoming, BM 2004

Schuller, Nancy
Printing Services Specialist, 1987
Northwest College, AAS 1986

Schuller, Rob
Printing Services Manager, 1985

Sherwood, Marvin
Equine Center Coordinator, 1988
Montana State University, BS 1985
West Texas A&M University, MS 1993

Siqueira, Flavia
Women’s Volleyball Coach, 2008
Western Nebraska Community College, AS 2002
University of Mary, BS 2005; MA 2008

Skinner, Jennifer
Residence Life Specialist, 2005
University of Missouri, BA 2005

Smith, Lisa
Institutional Researcher, 2005
University of Wyoming, BS 2001

Stauffer, Jennifer
Scholarship Technician, 2003; 2004
Northwest College, AA 1998
University of Wyoming, BA 2000

Sullivan, Kristie
Residence and Conference Specialist, 1993
Liberty University, BS 1986

Vaughan, David
Public Relations Photography Specialist, 2003
Northwest College, AAS 1996

Ward, Andrew
Men’s Basketball Coach, 2007
Southern Utah University, BS 1996

Welch, Robbi
Annual Giving Coordinator, 2007

Williams, Carle
Financial Aid Specialist, 1984
Northwest College, AAS 1985

Williams, Gary
Facilities Technician, 2005

Wilson, Megan
Grant Writer, 2009
University of Utah BA, 2004

Woods, Sue
Foundation Analyst, 2002

Yates, Jory
Computing Services Specialist, 2006
Northwest College AS; 2007

Zawacki, Carol
Tutoring Specialist, 1999

Zeigler, Jim
Wrestling Coach, 1993
University of Southern Colorado, BS 1990
University of Northern Colorado, MA 1992

Classified Support Staff

Visit the Staff Directory for contact information.

Allen, Kimber
Facilities Assistant, 2008

Argento, Jo
Facilities Assistant, 2006

Austill, Lori
Division Secretary for Life, Health, and Physical Science, 2003; 2005
Northwest College, AAS 2003
Montana State University, BS 2005

Ballard, Melinda
Child Care Assistant, 2009

Beck, Lorilyn
Academic Affairs Office Assistant, 1992-94; 1997
Northwest College, AA 1983
Valley City State University, BS 1988

Beebe, Tina
Bookstore Technician, 2002

Bell, Bobbie
Finance Technician, 2001
Northwest College AAS, 2009

Berryman, Holly
Communications Services Assistant, 1999

Borders, Keli
Division Secretary for Visual and Performing Arts, 2006

Bradburn, Sharon
Facilities Assistant, 1995

Brazelton, Linda
Development Office Assistant, 2003

Brazelton, Roger
Facilities Assistant, 2002
Central Wyoming College, AAS 1989

Briseno, Evelyn
Child Care Assistant, 1987

Christensen, Scott
Field Station Assistant, 2009

Costigan, Jay
Campus Watchperson, 2007

Cragoe, Anna
Division Secretary, 1998

Cross, Val
Division Secretary for Social Science and Education, 1991-96; 1996
Northwest College, AA 1980
University of Montana, BA 1982

Davis, Mary Lou
Administrative Secretary for College Relations, 1978-91; 1992
Northwest College, AA 1967

Deuter, Diana
Facilities Assistant, 2006

Dobbins, Carri
Senior Office Assistant for Training and Development-Cody,
Northwest College AS, 1987

Drew, Marilyn
Library Assistant, 2006

Eatherly, Jodi
Child Care Assistant, 2009

Gilmore, Nancy
Senior Office Assistant for Cody Center, 2002; 2003
Northwest College, AAS 2001

Gonzalez, Renee
Business Office Assistant, 2003

Gormley, Janice
Division Secretary for Communications, 2000

Greco, Sandy
Facilities Assistant, 2001

Greenwald, Jeanne
Administrative Secretary for Academic Affairs, 1993

Harrison, Marianne
Financial Aid Assistant, 2001
Northwest College AA, 1997
University of Wyoming BS, 2003

Herdt, Tawnya
Adult Basic Education Technician, 2005
Eastern Wyoming College, AAS 1994

Hernandez, Lydia
Senior Office Assistant for Enrollment Services, 1992

Hieb, Val
Administrative Secretary for Administrative Services, 1985
Northwest College AAS, 2009

Horton, Becky
Interim Bookstore Assistant, 2010

Jacobs, Deb
Senior Office Assistant for Student Success Programs, 1984-87; 1992

Kline, Char
Senior Office Assistant for Admissions and Recruiting, 2001
Northwest College, AAS 2000

Kobbe, Denise
Senior Program Assistant for Athletics and Health, Outdoor and Physical Education, 2000

Le Blanc, Carla
Senior Office Assistant for Residential Life, 1981
Northwest College, AB 1980

Maki, Diane
Title III Office Assistant, 2006
Northwest College, AAS 2009

Montgomery, Delores
Facilities Assistant, 1996

Muecke, Bonnie
Facilities Assistant, 2008

Olberding, Candy
Biology Lab Assistant, 1996
Northwest College, AA 2006, AS 2008

Powers, Carol
Facilities Assistant, 1975

Renaud, Fred
Facilities Assistant, 1992
Northwest College, AS 1991

Renaud, Karl
Facilities Assistant, 2003

Rodriguez, Becki
Administrative Secretary for Academic Affairs, 1985-86, 1993-2002, 2004

Schwan, Jen
Senior Program Assistant for Nursing, 2003
Mayville State University, BS 1986

Sperry, Pam
Senior Office Assistant for Physical Plant, 2001

Spomer, Linda
Finance Technician, 1981

Teitsch, Cynthia
Facilities Assistant, 2009

Timmons, Loyd
Facilities Assistant, 2008

Timmons, Terri
Division Secretary for Humanities, 1997
Northwest College, AA 1972
Brigham Young University, BA 1975

Trickey, Nancy
Senior Office Assistant-Worland, 2009

Vanek, Jim
Facilities Assistant, 2009

Vaught, Susan
Facilities Assistant, 2007

Voss, Becky
Library Assistant, 2009

Ward, Terri
Administrative Secretary for Student Affairs, 2008
Western Governor’s University BS, 2009

Warren, Karalee
Computing Services Office Assistant, 1996
Northwest College, AA 1995

Wickelman, John
Campus Watchperson, 2003

Widdicombe, Steve
Facilities Assistant, 2008
Montana State University-Billings, AAS 2000

Woodward, Joyce
Facilities Assistant, 2006

Northwest College Foundation

The Northwest College Foundation is a private, nonprofit corporation which serves as the college’s official fundraising organization. It was established in 1966 with four principal purposes: raising, receiving, managing, and distributing private funds that support NWC educational and related endeavors.

Visit the Northwest College Foundation website for more information.

Nelson, Dick

Wilder, Dick
Vice President

Linton, Jim
Second Vice President

Bonner, Dave

Dewitt, Josephine
Assistant Secretary

Lee, Bryan

Jones, Alan
Assistant Treasurer

Bell, Carol – Cody, Wyo.
Bell, James – Cody, Wyo.
Bonner, Brad – Powell, Wyo.
* Boydston, Marinell – Cody, Wyo.
Brodrick, Mike – Red Lodge, Mont.
* Brumage, Esther – Powell, Wyo.
Cowger, Susan – Cody, Wyo.
Cummins, Clay – Billings, Mont.
Davidson, Chris – Burlington, Wyo.
DiVincenzo, Kathleen – Cody, Wyo.
Frisby Hedderman, Gloria – Powell, Wyo.
Graham, Travis – Cody, Wyo.
Kearns, Roger – Cody, Wyo.
Larsen, Larry – Powell, Wyo.
Linton, H.A. “Bud” – Powell, Wyo.
Lytle, Ron – Powell, Wyo.
McDonald, Willis – Cody, Wyo.
Nelson, Andy – Powell, Wyo.
Newell, Ralph – Cody, Wyo.
Nickles, Megan – Powell, Wyo.
* Orendorff, SinClair – Powell, Wyo.
Prestwich, Paul, ex-officio – Powell, Wyo.
Riley, Victor – Cody, Wyo.
Rodriguez, Paul – Powell, Wyo.
Sheets, William – Cody, Wyo.
Snyder, Lloyd – Powell, Wyo.
Taggart, Chris – Cody, Wyo.
* Turnell, Jack – Meeteetse, Wyo.
Veile, David – Worland, Wyo.
Voss, Wayne – Worland, Wyo.
Webster, Steve – Powell, Wyo.
Weedin, Doug – Cody, Wyo.

*Director Emeritus

Northwest College Alumni Association

The Northwest College Alumni Association was chartered in 1988 as the first Wyoming community college alumni association and was among the first two-year college alumni associations in the Rocky Mountain area.

The association serves as the principal link between Northwest College and its worldwide network of just over 18,000 alumni. An alumnus is defined as anyone who attended the college full time (12 or more credit hours) successfully completing at least one semester.

Visit the Alumni Association section of the NWC website for more information.

Jones, Cal (’67) – Worland, Wyo.

Webster, Brian (’84) – Cody, Wyo.
Immediate Past President

Wambeke, Ted (’79) – Cody, Wyo.
Vice President / President-elect

Wetherbee, Julie (Peterson) (’89) – Worland, Wyo.

Beal, Jason (’00) – Lovell, Wyo.
Beaudry, Amber (Eastman) (’96) – Powell, Wyo.
Bell, James (’87) – Cody, Wyo.
Cummins, Clay (’61) – Billings, Mont.
Easum, Kim (Norlin) (’94) – Cody, Wyo.
Edwards, Justin (’95) – Gillette, Wyo.
Elwood, Becky (Hughes) (’81) – Powell, Wyo.
Flom, Kim (Moller) (’81) – Meeteetse, Wyo.
Greear, Tiffany (’06) – Worland, Wyo.
Holm, Nancy (Reed) (’70) – Powell, Wyo.
Kiefer, Jan (Littlehales) (’71) – Ten Sleep, Wyo.
McNiven, Chucody (’00) – Laurel, Mont.
Quanbeck, Andy (’01) – Shepherd, Mont.
Reiter, Beth Anne (Kaufman) (’03) – Cody, Wyo.
Sankey, Ryan (’02) – Roberts, Mont.
Schiffer, Laci (Harriet) (’95) – Buffalo, Wyo.
Singer, Tom (’73) – Billings, Mont.
Solomon, Amy (Hahn) (’76) – Lone Tree, Colo.
Terry, Gail (Johnson) (’76) – Cody, Wyo.
Vannoy, Tim (’76) – Cody, Wyo.
Warner, Shawn (’90) – Powell, Wyo.