Feb 17, 2025  
2010–2012 College Catalog 
2010–2012 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services Policies/Procedures

Preparation for College

Northwest recommends high school students complete four years of English, four years of mathematics, three years of science, three years of social studies, two years of foreign language, and one year of art.

The areas of study listed above are NOT prerequisites for admission. If your educational preparation does not yet match your educational goals, you may need to spend extra time building your academic skills. The college stands ready to assist you in every way possible should this be the case.

Your Invitation to Visit Campus

Northwest College invites prospective students and their families to visit campus. Visits are scheduled Monday through Friday at 9 am and 1 pm. Learn more and make a reservation online:

 Visit the Visit Campus page of the NWC website for more information.

Admission to the College

As a member of the National Association for College Admission Counselors, Northwest College follows the NACAC Statement of Principles of Good Practice.

Applicants are encouraged to apply at least two months prior to the semester in which they plan to enroll. However, applications will be accepted any time prior to the start of a semester. Northwest College reserves the right to deny admission. Applicants must submit an admission application and official transcripts. Applicants are encouraged to submit scores on the American College Test (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or take the COMPASS Placement Test. Results are used in academic advisement and career planning.

Academic transcripts from high school or colleges previously attended should be sent directly to Enrollment Services. Northwest reserves the right to decline acceptance of transcripts not mailed directly from the originating institution.

Visit the Admissions section of the NWC website for more information.

Northwest College Codes

Northwest’s ACT code is 5004. The SAT code is 4542. Our federal school code for the FAFSA (see Federal Aid ) is 003931.

All Students

  • Immunization Record — Any student born after 1956 must provide proof of immunity to Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) to attend NWC. Students who fail to provide proof of immunizations will have a hold put on their account and may be withdrawn from their classes.

Wyoming Residents

  • Northwest College admits Wyoming residents who are graduates of a Wyoming state accredited high school and entering college for the first time.
  • Northwest admits current Wyoming residents who graduated from an accredited high school from any other U.S. state.
  • Wyoming residents who have not graduated from a state accredited high school may be considered for admission if they have successfully completed the General Education Development (GED) examination, or provide the Home School Transcript Evaluation Form.


  • Northwest will consider out-of-state residents who graduated from a state accredited high school with a 2.0 (C) high school grade point average or successfully completed the GED or show special aptitudes indicating promise of success in college.
  • Northwest College reserves the right to deny admission.

Transfer Students

  • Northwest will consider transfer students who present official transcripts from all colleges attended.
  • Transfer students with fewer than 15 credit hours of transfer credit must also submit a high school transcript or take the COMPASS Placement Test.
  • Northwest College reserves the right to deny admission.
  • Students who wish to transfer to Northwest must have their transcripts evaluated by the NWC Registrar.
  • Generally, students who have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C) or above will have courses with “D” grades accepted as well, except in courses with a minimal grade requirement.
  • Courses are transferred but not the letter grade.

Home Schooled Students

Students 16 years of age or older who have been home schooled are required to submit the Home School Transcript Evaluation Form along with their ACT/SAT scores. Students who have not taken the ACT/SAT are required to take the COMPASS Placement Test.

International Students

Northwest requires a minimum TOEFL score for admission: 477 written, 53 Internet-based, or 153 computer-based. Exceptions to this requirement must be ruled upon by Enrollment Services. Our international admissions evaluator corresponds with interested students, evaluates applications, and assists international students with the required documents and visas. All international students must purchase a health insurance policy through NWC and are required to reside on campus during their first two semesters.

Dual/Concurrent Enrollment

High school students admitted as special students are limited to no more than two college-level classes per semester. (College-level courses are those generally numbered at the 1000 level or above. See General Education Requirements .) Regular Northwest students have preference for access to classes with limited size. Approval for admission is for one semester only; continued enrollment is subject to satisfactory completion of previous coursework.

  • Juniors with a GPA of 3.0 and seniors with a GPA of 2.7 enrolled in a state accredited high school. A letter of permission from the high school guidance counselor or principal,  and a copy of the current high school transcript are required.
  • High school students below the junior level who demonstrate exceptional ability through public school coursework (cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better). A letter of permission from the high school guidance counselor or principal and a copy of the current high school transcript are required.

Special Admits

Northwest will consider the following individuals for admission as special admits:

  • Students under age 16 (compulsory Age of Attendance in Wyoming) who are not enrolled in a state accredited high school, who have a release from high school, and can demonstrate college-level ability in one of the following ways:
    • have successfully completed the GED,
    • take the COMPASS Placement Test,
    • or other evaluation by appropriate NWC faculty for enrollment in technical skills courses.

The student and the student’s parents will need to meet with a college official in determining eligibility. Appeals arising from denial of admission will be referred to the Student Appeals Board.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) governs Northwest’s collection, retention, and dissemination of information about students.

Northwest may disclose “directory information” unless a student requests a restriction of disclosure in writing by the last day of registration for any given academic term (write or e-mail the Registrar at registrar@northwestcollege.edu).

Northwest College defines “directory information” as: name, local address and telephone listing, e-mail address, photography and video, permanent address, date of birth, major field of study, previous schools attended, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, and degrees and awards received.

We encourage students and their family members to thoroughly familiarize themselves with students’ basic rights under the law through FERPA. For example, NWC personnel cannot discuss a student’s grades, payment status, classroom issues, etc., unless the student signs a Release of Information form in advance.

Complete information is available:

Northwest’s guidelines for implementing FERPA are maintained by the Registrar who is available to address questions, concerns, or problems (registrar@northwestcollege.edu).

Students may file formal complaints alleging Northwest failed to comply with FERPA by contacting the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202-4605.

Visit the FERPA page of the NWC website for more information.

On-Campus Living Requirement

See Residential Life  for a complete explanation of the campus residency requirement.

Residency Classification

The following regulations govern the classification of students as resident or nonresident for the purpose of tuition charges at Northwest College.

A student previously classified as a nonresident may be reclassified after meeting the established residency criteria. The request must be received 15 days prior to the start of classes of the term in which reclassification is sought. A student classified as a resident by one Wyoming community college is considered a resident at all community colleges in Wyoming.

Classification Procedures

  • Residence classification shall be made for each student at the time the application for admission is accepted and whenever a student has not been in attendance for more than one semester.
  • Only individuals or their legal dependents who are U.S. citizens or in an emigrant status may qualify for residency.
  • Community college districts may require applicants to supply information to document residency status.


Any of the following may be used by a student and would result in an individual being classified or reclassified as a Wyoming resident for tuition purposes:

  • A graduate of a Wyoming high school or GED recipient who enrolls in a Wyoming community college within 12 months of high school graduation.
  • An individual who can provide written verification that he/she has lived in Wyoming continuously for one year prior to enrolling.
  • A legal dependent under the age of 24, or a spouse of a resident of the State of Wyoming who qualifies as a resident based upon this policy.
  • A legal dependent under the age of 24 of a Wyoming community college graduate.
  • A student who marries a Wyoming resident shall be granted resident classification at the beginning of the next term following the marriage.
  • An individual on active duty in Wyoming with the United States Armed Forces, Wyoming National Guard, or Reserves and his/her legal dependents.
  • An individual who can provide written verification from a Wyoming employer that he/she will be employed full-time for an anticipated period of not less than seven (7) months.
  • Persons temporarily absent from the state due to military service, attendance at educational institutions, or other types of documented temporary absences, will not have their resident status voided by such absence.


  • Students whose parents or guardians received a degree or certificate from any Wyoming Community College may qualify for resident tuition rates. In accordance with W.S. 21-17-105, an individual who does not reside in Wyoming may be considered a resident for tuition purposes if he/she meets all of the following criteria:
  • Has been employed in Wyoming for at least seven months, and such employment is the applicant’s principal means of support.
  • Pays Wyoming property taxes.
  • Resides in a state with a similar law.
  • Is willing to submit an affidavit to the above.

Transfer Agreements/Dual Admissions

Northwest College has articulation agreements with a variety of colleges and universities. Many allow NWC students who graduate with an Associate of Arts or Science degree to “block transfer” and fulfill the transfer institution’s general education requirements. Northwest also has degree specific agreements outlining NWC courses students should take to transfer into a specific bachelor’s program. Course-by-course agreements give NWC students specific information on how courses transfer to other institutions.

Northwest College also has Dual Admission agreements. Students are simultaneously admitted to Northwest College and a transfer college.

Get more information on Course Transfer  and Transferring from Northwest  or online:

Visit the Transfer Information section of the NWC website for more information.

WUE Tuition Scholarship

WUE is an acronym for the Western Undergraduate Exchange Program, a voluntary organization of western states. Under this agreement, students residing in the states of Montana, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, and Washington may attend Northwest College at 150 percent of Wyoming tuition, rather than the out-of-state rate. Currently, tuition rates will also be calculated at 150 percent of Wyoming tuition for Nebraska residents. The value of this tuition discount scholarship is more than $2,300 per year.