American and Wyoming Government (3-6 credits)
English (6 credits)
AA and AS Degrees only
And one of the following:
* For transfer to the University of Wyoming, consider one of the following: ENGL 1020 and ENGL 2030. For transfer to Montana State University–Bozeman, consider one of the following: ENGL 2017 or ENGL 2030. For transfer to Montana State University–Billings, consider ENGL 2017 (each department or school sets its own advanced writing requirement). For those undecided about a transfer institution, consider ENGL 1020.
English/Business Communication (6 credits)
AAS Degree only
And one of the following:
* For associate of applied science degrees, refer to your specifc program of study.
Humanities/Visual and Performing Arts (9 credits)
AA Degree only
Six credits to be selected from one of the following groups, three credits to be selected from the other:
Group A (Humanities)*: humanities, journalism, English, philosophy, foreign language, speech communication, and history.
Group B (Visual and Performing Arts)*: art, music, theatre, and dance.
* Some courses may not satisfy the degree requirement. Please refer to the Courses Meeting General Education Requirements section below.
Humanities/Social Science/Visual and Performing Arts (9 credits)
AS Degree only
Nine credits to be selected from at least two felds from among humanities, visual and performing arts, or social science.
Humanities/Social Science/Visual and Performing Arts (6 credits)
AAS Degree only
Courses must be selected in two fields from among science, humanities, visual and performing arts, or social science.
Mathematics (3 credits)
AA Degree only
Courses must be selected from college level statistics (STAT) or mathematics (any MATH 1000 and above except MATH 1510 ).
AAS Degree only
Any college-level mathematics course or BADM 1005 - Business Mathematics .
Mathematics/Science (10 credits)
AS Degree only
At least one course must be selected from college-level statistics (STAT) or mathematics (any MATH 1000 and above except MATH 1510). At least one course must be a laboratory course in astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, physics or zoology or one of the following: AECL 2010, ANTH 1100 or ENTO 1001.
Comparative Cultural Awareness (6 credits)
AA Degree only
Courses selected from the approved list of courses meeting this requirement (see below). Tree credits meeting this requirement may also apply toward the humanities, social science, or visual and performing arts requirement, depending on the specifc nature of the credits taken.
Comparative Cultural Awareness (1-4 credits)
AS Degree only
One course selected from the approved list of courses meeting this requirement (see below). Up to three credits meeting this requirement may also apply toward the humanities, social science, or visual and performing arts requirement, depending on the specifc nature of the course taken.
Science (4 credits)
AA Degree only
Course must be an approved laboratory course in astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, physics, or zoology.
* Some courses may not satisfy the degree requirement. Please refer to the Courses Meeting General Education Requirements section below.
Social Science (6 credits)
AA Degree only
Six credits selected from two fields of study: anthropology, economics, geography, history*, political science, psychology, sociology or AGEC 1010 or AGEC 1020 . No more than three credits from any one field may apply toward the degree requirement.
* Some courses may not satisfy the degree requirement. Please refer to the Courses Meeting General Education Requirements section below.
Wellness Education (2 credits)
See Wellness Education, below.